Enhance Risk Models with Secure Data Collaboration

Improve the accuracy of risk scores models by securely integrating sensitive customer data with your proprietary data sources. Duality’s innovative solution enables data providers to offer personalized and customized services for their customers by enriching and improving their models with clients’ sensitive information, all without compromising privacy or the company’s intellectual property.

The problem

Providing Personalized Risk Models Securely

Data providers typically offer risk score models that are uniform across all customers. However, offering tailored models to clients can significantly enhance performance compared to generic models. To achieve this, data providers need access to their clients’ sensitive data. Additionally, the data provider’s own models and data are also sensitive.

Without a secure method to integrate proprietary information with external data sources, data providers struggle to truly offer personalized and customized risk prediction models to their clients. This limits the effectiveness of risk models, ultimately impacting decision-making and operational efficiency.

The Solution

Secure Data Collaboration for Risk Models

Duality’s platform addresses these challenges by enabling secure collaboration on sensitive data using advanced privacy-enhancing technologies. Our solution allows data providers to enrich their models with clients’ proprietary information without compromising privacy or intellectual property, and for their customers to purchase personalized models.

By utilizing trusted execution environments, Duality ensures that data remains encrypted and protected throughout the entire process. The Duality platform seamlessly integrates with your organization’s workflow and platforms to reduce friction and enable consumption of these new services.


Access your trial version of the Duality collaboration platform

Maximize the value of sensitive, regulated, or confidential data.