Targeted Offers

Improve customer retention and targeted offerings by leveraging customer data to optimize advertising with customer-tailored targeted offers, while upholding customer trust and data privacy laws.

The Problem

Know Your Customer?

Selling to your customer means knowing your customer – and understanding how you can leverage your organization’s data and resources to understand your customer more completely. This means collaborating with partners to understand a customer’s buying behaviors, transaction history, and more.

However, most valuable client and consumer data is personally identifiable information (PII) or otherwise sensitive, which makes collaborating on it across lines of business or even across different organizations challenging.

the solution

Drive Growth with Personalized Targeted Offers and Loyalty Programs

Duality enables your organization to optimize personalized offers without violating privacy laws or impacting customer trust.

With the Duality Platform, your business can derive valuable insights from all customer data, wherever it resides, while complying with regulatory, privacy and security requirements.

Gain a better understanding of your clients by working with your partners and offering customers personalized, valuable, and timely targeted offers.

It’s an easy, safe, and private way to improve customer retention and loyalty, open up new lines of business, and expand revenue.


Access your trial version of the Duality collaboration platform

Maximize the value of sensitive, regulated, or confidential data.